NaNoWriMo Prep / New York Actually / Jane the Virgin + UnREAL

Today I want to talk about a new writing project combined with my National Novel Writing Month Prep,  the TV shows I'm currently watching and the book I'm listening to at the moment.  I guess it's gonna get a looooong post, but you can skip the parts you're not interested in.  New Novel + NaNoWriMo … NaNoWriMo Prep / New York Actually / Jane the Virgin + UnREAL weiterlesen

My February/March/2018

As everyone can see, I wasn't much into reading or blogging the last weeks. The February was again a simply lazy month and I suffered a little from my depression. I really missed the sun and I couldn't wait any longer for spring to begin. The March was a waaaay better month. Right in the … My February/March/2018 weiterlesen